Sunday, August 24, 2014

The 10 Highest Paying Entry-Level Jobs in America

NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- It's graduation season and hordes of educated youth will soon be in competition for the limited number of entry-level jobs available on the job market. While the newly-graduated will have to start from the bottom to get to the top, the bottom needn't be the lowest-paid jobs offered.

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TheStreet analyzed figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics to determine the top 10 positions with the highest earning potential for the entry-level candidates of the next generation of workers.
N.B. All figures are sourced from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
#1: Occupational therapist
Job description: Occupational therapists treat injured or ill patients, assisting them in their physical recovery by helping them improve various tasks and habits required in everyday life.
Earning power: $75,400 per year (median pay based on BLS 2012 data)
Education requirements: Master's degree

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