Sunday, August 24, 2014

The 10 Highest Paying Entry-Level Jobs in America

NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- It's graduation season and hordes of educated youth will soon be in competition for the limited number of entry-level jobs available on the job market. While the newly-graduated will have to start from the bottom to get to the top, the bottom needn't be the lowest-paid jobs offered.

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TheStreet analyzed figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics to determine the top 10 positions with the highest earning potential for the entry-level candidates of the next generation of workers.
N.B. All figures are sourced from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
#1: Occupational therapist
Job description: Occupational therapists treat injured or ill patients, assisting them in their physical recovery by helping them improve various tasks and habits required in everyday life.
Earning power: $75,400 per year (median pay based on BLS 2012 data)
Education requirements: Master's degree

10 High-Paying Entry-Level Jobs

high paying entry level jobs In today's competitive job market, it can be hard to imagine that there are jobs that pay well but don't require years of experience. But many sectors offer high-paying entry-level jobs that are appealing to mid-career changers or recent college graduates (who are likely eager to get out from under a mound of student loan debt).
With the help of, a salary data and software company, AOL Jobs has compiled a list of 10 careers that offer high salaries to entry-level workers -- those who have been on the job for two years or less. Many of them require a college degree, but there are exceptions. (Note: The jobs listed below are a sampling of highly paid entry-level jobs and not a comprehensive, ranked list.)

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